The ongoing collaboration between Permanent Vacation and Yoann Pisterman started out of a friendship.
It’s in the studio of Permanent Vacation in New Delhi that the idea of creating unique wearable art came from.
They experimented traditional Indian technics with graphical inspiration of the work from Henri Matisse and the garden architect
Roberto Burle Marx.
Yoann Pisterman is a painter and composer of experimental ambient music.
He is seeking to find the links between his musical and visual practices.
Yoann Pisterman actual field of inspiration are mycology, minerals, urban architecture, resonances and polyphonic reality.
One summer day, the memory comes back. A vague memory; a feeling that disturbs like a "déjà vu", that makes the world go sideways and undulates like hot air. Wearable landscape.
Coloured shadows, stylisation of a shape, that isn’t quite a shape.
Vegetal mutation, mineral layers, ornamental memories, fragmented travel.